DAEMON Workshop, 13-17/05/24 Ljubljana

The first DAEMON co-organized workshop, Machine Learning Modalities for Materials Science (MLM4MS), will take place on 13-17/05/2024 at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Registrations are now open through the following link: https://ml4ms.ijs.si/.

The aim of this workshop is thus two-fold:

– Young researchers will have the opportunity to grow solid foundations and a complete overview of cutting-edge machine-learning methods that enable the community to tackle outstanding challenges across diverse domains in materials design and discovery.

– All attendees will have the chance to discuss and identify routes on how to best combine information of different nature towards a unified vision (and solution) of the material design and discovery problem. To this end, during the workshop part, invited and contributed speakers, and panel discussions will take place, with a focus on multi-modal, multi-objective, and multi-fidelity machine learning methods in materials science.