DAEMON 2025 School

DAEMON is glad to announce its co-organization of the “School on Machine Learning for Molecules and Materials Research (ML4MMR)”, which will take place on 09-13/06/2025 in Zadar, Croatia

Registrations are now open through the CECAM hosted service

 This events aims at providing a pedagogical introduction to young researchers, as well as established ones interested in rapidly adopting machine learning methods in their work. In particular, we have identified 8 topics that are nowadays commonly part of investigation concerning the understanding, characterization, or design of molecules, materials, and processes, namely:

1. Machine Learning accelerated High-throughput searches based on density functional theory (and beyond) simulations
2. Bayesian optimization of materials and molecular properties 
3. Generative models for materials and molecules design 
4. Large language models and embeddings for materials and molecules property prediction
5. Automated construction of machine learning interatomic potentials 
6. Non-adiabatic and excited state dynamics with machine learning models
7. Learning coarse-grained models 
8. Integrating experimental data in machine-learning-driven materials discovery

DAEMON 2025 Workshop

DAEMON is glad to announce the co-organization of "MACHINE LEARNING FOR MATERIALS DISCOVERY...