05-06/02/24 Daemon Meeting

DAEMON General Meeting 2024 will take place on date 05-06/02/24 in Rome, Binario F, Via Marsala 29H. 
Unless you have been asked to attend in person, register at the following link: https://epfl.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5AofumtqT4jG9YcNwmKPy80v7Ad8ZxIg5Rb

The aim of the meeting is to foster discussions and produce actionable outcomes to build capacity and research excellence in Machine Learning for Materials Engineering. A preliminary program is as follow:

05/021-3pm. Introduction to the DAEMON network – Representatives from DAEMON will describe in greater detail the action objective and plans, together with opportunities for collaboration, mobility, and training available through internal open calls.

05/02, 3-5pm. Stakeholders talks – Invited speakers from industry (Roche, DeNora, Tetra Pak), startups (Materys, Dunia), and venture capitals (LVenture) describe their vision and desiderata on machine learning methods impact on materials science and engineering.

06/02, 9.30am-1pm. Discussion on data, workflows and codes for materials design – Participants will split across break-out rooms to discuss on community needs, and design practical routes to achieve tangible progress in the area (e.g. white papers, reviews, perspectives, hackathons, …).

06/02, 1-4pm. Discussion on representations and algorithms for materials design – Participants will split across break-out rooms to discuss on community needs, and design practical routes to achieve tangible progress in the area (e.g. white papers, reviews, perspectives, hackathons, …).

The program PDF is also available here:
